In 1854, George Washington Doane, Episcopal bishop of New Jersey, addressed the students, faculty, and friends of Burlington College, adjacent to the Episcopal parish church in Burlington, New Jersey. He took as his subject the divine roots of education. “Education”...
On Naming the World: A Protestant Vision for Training in Wisdom
We educate, above all, by equipping each new generation to name the world rightly.
On Education: A Review
Abraham Kuyper’s writings on education reveal his vision, successes, and compromises
Creeds and Credentials: On Education and the Future
Credentials are worthless without a creed that grasps reality.
Baudrillard on Icons
"One can see that the iconoclasts, whom one accuses of disdaining and negating images, were those who accorded them their true value, in contrast to the iconolaters who only saw reflections in them and were content to venerate a filigree God. On the other hand, one...
Giving Voice to the Voiceless Creation
Last week, I was honored by the opportunity to address the students, parents, and faculty of Greyfriars Classical School in Matthews, NC for the Convocation to mark the start of their academic year. I thought I'd use this blog to share the text of my talk, which...
Colin Redemer discusses the need for Christian education in the midst of the modern secular world.