Ad Fontes Podcast
The Ad Fontes Podcast is a weekly writers and editors podcast to accompany our quarterly Ad Fontes journal.
“Ad fontes” means “to the sources!” and was a rallying cry of the Reformation as the Reformers sought to return to the historic teaching and practice of the church. We hope to do the same in this podcast by looking closely at the kinds of texts and sources covered in the Ad Fontes journal.
Our aim is to not just to think about the sources, but to think through the sources – to have our minds shaped by what has gone before, not to simply pay lip service to it. We’re not just after knowledge, but wisdom.
Of course, Davenant isn’t just about detailed scholarly study, but also breaking bread and building friendship with one another. So there is plenty of joking, lighthearted bickering, and baseless speculation among our co-hosts – Onsi Kamel (Editor-in-Chief of The Davenant Press), Colin Redemer (Vice President of The Davenant Institute) and Rhys Laverty (Editorial Fellow).
As well as discussing a main topic each week, we also share what we’re reading (so you know what makes us tick) and spotlight Davenant resources and events.
We feature occasional guests, especially from among other Ad Fontes writers and contributors, but this is mainly a chance to see “behind the scenes” of our journal as the editors and writers chew the fat about what’s taken our interest that week in the riches of the Protestant tradition.
Find out more by listening on your podcast app of choice (we should be available everywhere!), but you can find it here on Apple or Spotify.
Pilgrim Faith Podcast
Pilgrim Faith is a (mostly) weekly video and audio podcast, in which human wonder fuels the quest for Christian wisdom.
Co-hosted by Teaching Fellows Joseph Minich (PhD, University of Texas at Dallas)and Dale Stenberg (MDiv, Whitfield Theological Seminary), Pilgrim Faith hosts conversations with expert guests to engage contemporary issues with historic Christian wisdom.
Recent guests and topics have included Carl Trueman on the modern self, Steven Wedgeworth on Jordan Peterson, Michael Ward on Narnia, and James Eglington on Herman Bavinck.
Pilgrim Faith may be of especial help if you would not yet identify as a Christian but are exploring Christianity’s claims about reality, or if you are a Christian who is struggling with how Christianity makes sense in a modern world.