I recently weighed in (again) on the questions surrounding the debate over so-called Christian nationalism in the United States. The debate seems to overlap significantly with the question of populism and its relationship to religious life in the United States. One...
More Than Protestant, But Never Less Than Protestant: An Addendum to Timon Cline
Timon Cline has offered a very good piece at The American Reformer on the Protestant foundation of the states that formed the American Union in 1788. It’s a worthwhile piece that touches on a broad range of historical realities in the Early Republic. Cline...
The Fourth Way: The Promise of the Spanish Reformation
How the neglected Spanish Reformation charted a fourth way between Wittenburg, Geneva, and Canterbury.
The World the Reformation Made
There are many accounts of how the Reformation created the modern world. But what if they’re all wrong?
“The Most Biblicist National Culture in the World”
A few weeks ago, I wrote a review of Sam Goldman's very stimulating new book, After Nationalism. In the book, Goldman narrates three different conceptions of American national identity: the Covenant (c. 1630-1830), rooted in New England Protestant identity; the...