How did Peter Martyr Vermigli make sense of fate, fortune, and providence?
Peter Martyr Vermigli
Steadfast in their Apologetic: Vermigli and Calvin’s Defense of Classical Theism
Vermigli and Calvin both evidence Reformed continuity with Thomism.
Old Testament Sacraments, Pt. 5: The Rainbow and the Noahic Covenant (2)
In what way, if any, is the rainbow a sacrament of God’s covenant with Noah?
Old Testament Sacraments, Pt. 4: The Rainbow in the Noahic Covenant (1)
Is the Noahic Covenant part of the Covenant of Grace?
Old Testament Sacraments, Pt. 3: The Animal Skins and the Covenant of Grace
How do the animal skins given to Adam and Eve relate to the Covenant of Grace?
Old Testament Sacraments, Pt. 2: The Tree of Life in the New Covenant
What role does the Tree of Life play in the New Covenant?
Old Testament Sacraments, Pt. 1: The Tree of Life in the Covenant of Works
Nathan Johnson begins a new series examining each of the Old Testament sacraments.
Old Testament Sacraments? A Reformed Overview
Nathan Johnson unpacks a surprising belief of the Reformed tradition: that Old Testament believers had sacraments.
Leo the Great Among the Reformers
Often overlooked, Leo the Great was a foundational influence upon the Christology of the Reformation.
Is There A Reformed Virtue Ethics?
Virtue ethics shaped Christian moral philosophy for centuries. Will it do so again?