Essential qualities, according to one of our greatest recent theologians.
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The Christian Logic of the Postwar Consensus
Have Christian critics of the postwar consensus done the reading?
Our “Aeterni Patris” Moment? Musings on Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy and Protestant Retrieval
Political retrieval has always been a more nuanced affair for Protestants.
In a Bind? Postmillennial Confusion Over Satan’s Unbinding in Revelation 20
Do postmillennialists tie themselves in knots in order to explain Satan’s unbinding?
Political Prudence as Fuzzy Thinking
Do would-be Christian rulers’ appeals to “prudence” often simply mask a lack of clear thinking?
The Success of the Great Commission: Probing a Postmillennial Presupposition
Critiquing the postmillennial reading of Matthew 28:19.
Work Out Your Salvation: A Review
Making theological sense of markets and moral formation.
“So Much More Splendid Than Light”: A Medieval Christmas Poem
An original translation by Benjamin Phillips.
Brandon Sanderson’s Materialist Fantasies
The popular high fantasy author’s obsession with magic systems fails to glimpse the real truth of creation.
A Political-Theological Defense of the Pardoning Power
Three reasons why the presidential pardoning power is necessary, despite its abuses.