Ewan Goligher responds to criticisms of his recent book’s arguments against assisted suicide.
Fate, Fortune, and Providence with Vermigli
How did Peter Martyr Vermigli make sense of fate, fortune, and providence?
Is Modern Postmillennialism Confessional?
Are modern forms of postmillennial eschatology compatible with the Westminster Confession of Faith?
How Should We Then Die? A Review
Recent Christian natural law arguments against assisted suicide need tightening up.
The Aztec Ontology of Violence
Those who think modernity presents an “ontology of violence” should consider the Aztecs.
C.S. Lewis, Evangelical: A Syllogism
A syllogism, giving conclusive proof that C.S. Lewis was an evangelical.
Reformed Natural Law?
Brad Littlejohn previews his upcoming Fall 2023 Davenant Hall Course, “Natural Law and Scriptural Authority”
Pentiment: A Review
A Reformation themed video game gives surprising insight into living through dramatic historical changes.
Whose Heritage? Which Americans?
James Wood takes steps toward a constructive definition of “heritage Americans”
Empowered Witness: A Review
A review of Alan D. Strange’s book on politics, culture, and the spiritual mission of the church