Are readers complicit in the evils of the writers they enjoy?
Brandon Sanderson’s Materialist Fantasies
The popular high fantasy author’s obsession with magic systems fails to glimpse the real truth of creation.
The Discarded Lewis
Recovering the forgotten side of C.S. Lewis.
The Edited Don’t Rage, Being (We Hope) in Eternal Bliss
Jessica Hooten Wilson’s new edition of Flannery O’Connors unfinished novel disappoints.
Milton’s “Nativity Ode” and the Subversion of Magic
John Milton was well ahead of the curve when it came to “disenchantment” discourse.
Homer in Wittenberg: A Review
Uncovering the influence of Homer on Philip Melanchthon.
The Faith of Agatha Christie
History’s greatest crime writer had an often overlooked religious side – and a distinctly Protestant one at that.
The Spirit of Liberty in “Paradise Lost”
What did John Milton really think of freedom?
The Beautiful Cross of Asher Lev
The beauty of the cross surprises us in a classic Jewish novel.
Ovid in Narnia
Detecting allusions to Actaeon and Io in “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”