A new translation of Henrik Harder.
How Does the Bible Use the Word “Good”?
Melanchthon on the meaning of “good” in the Bible, Stoicism, and Aristotle.
“Nunc dimittis”: A Poem for the Presentation of Our Lord
A poetic version of the “Song of Simeon,” based on the fourth-century Latin poet Juvencus.
Luther’s Catullus (4): Catullus and Solomon
On Luther, Catullus, and Ecclesiastes.
Luther’s Catullus (3): Catullus and the Desert Fathers
More on Luther and Catullus 64.
Luther’s Catullus (2): “Pre-Protestant” Luther
Did Catullus help Martin Luther formulate the doctrine of justification?
Luther on Aristotle’s Ethics (4): Solomon as “Dr. Politics” (3)
More from Luther on classical political philosophy.
Luther’s Catullus (1): Addendum on Obscenity
More from Luther on obcenity, this time in Roman comedy.
Luther’s Catullus (1): Table Talk 4,4012
Martin Luther on a controversial Roman poet.
Luther on Aristotle’s Ethics (3): Solomon as “Dr. Politics” (2)
More from Luther on the causes of political order.