America on Trial: A Defense of the Founding: A Review by Brad Littlejohn | Feb 23, 2023 | Book Review, Church History, Member Exclusive, Politics, Print Edition Brad Littlejohn reviews Robert Reilly’s bizarre case for the influence of Roman Catholicism upon the American founding.
Tragedy as Philosophy in the Reformation World: A Review by Philip Thomas Mohr | Nov 4, 2021Tragedy as Philosophy in the Reformation World...
What I’ve Been Writing by Brad Littlejohn | Aug 30, 2021Over the past eighteen months, I have been...
Of Minds and Machines: Transhumanism and the Christian by Christopher Brown | Aug 12, 2021Since the beginning of history, people have used...
Introducing Quartet for the End of Blogs by John Ahern | Jul 7, 2021What can you expect from the "Quartet for the...
Luther and the Classics: The Case of Psalm 90 (2) (Horace and Cicero) by E.J. Hutchinson | Feb 28, 2025Last time we saw what appeared to be a removal...
Luther and the Classics: The Case of Psalm 90 (1) by E.J. Hutchinson | Feb 25, 2025Martin Luther's commentary on Psalm 90 affords a...
The President as Protestant Warlord by Miles Smith | Feb 25, 2025This week US President Donald Trump wielded the...
The Problem of Neil Gaiman by Jeremy Larson | Feb 25, 2025Fiction writers live in the tension between two...