How did the Spanish Reformers approach their patristic and medieval heritage?
Why Protestants Read Aristotle’s Ethics
In the Reformation, the Philosopher was used by the Reformers just as much as by Roman Catholics.
The Fourth Way: The Promise of the Spanish Reformation
How the neglected Spanish Reformation charted a fourth way between Wittenburg, Geneva, and Canterbury.
The Gospel is in the Detail: Thomas Cranmer vs. Henry VIII on True Faith
An insistence on detail is, in many ways, at the root of Protestantism.
The World the Reformation Made
There are many accounts of how the Reformation created the modern world. But what if they’re all wrong?
How the Reformation Vanquished Death
For the Christian, the threat of death, in whatever form it comes, does not have the final word. Jesus said it this way: “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24).
Reason Diabolical, Reason Divine: Melanchthon on Philosophy, Humanism and Scripture
This article appeared in Volume II, Issue 4 of Ad Fontes. Introduction I begin with a quotation. I have used it in print before, but it provides such a high value of entertainment that I cannot forego reusing it here. The quotation is from a 19th c. American...
The Gospel Expressed: Luther’s Teaching on Alien Righteousness as Divine Gift
When exactly the levee is going to break is not easy to know, but when it does we all know. October 31, 1517 is the day the levee broke in the church of the West. It is not likely that Luther was aware he was laying his ax to the root. But that is what he was in fact...