The first post in what it is hoped will be a series on Luther’s use of the classics in his lectures on Psalm 90.
Christ in the Psalms, Christ in the Prophets, Christ in the Law
St. Augustine on Christ in the Old Testament.
If Christ Is God, Why Does He Pray?
Augustine on Psalm 2:8.
When God’s Anger Isn’t Like Yours (or Mine)
St. Augustine on anger in Psalm 2.
Unanswered Prayers: A Difficult Lesson from Augustine (Updated)
Augustine on Psalm 22:2.
An Amazing Vignette from a Late Antique Church
What should a preacher do when the lector reads the wrong text?
The Psalms and Union With Christ: Reading, Singing, and Praying with Jesus
Our union with Christ compels us to bring the psalms back into worship.
The Return of the King? A Canonical Reading of Psalm 137
A constructive, tentative suggestion for a troubling imprecatory psalm.
Don’t Keep the Imprecatory Psalms at Arm’s Length
The imprecatory psalms are the prayers of both the King and his covenant people.
Why Lewis and Keller Are Wrong About The Imprecatory Psalms
The curses of the Psalms should be part of a normal, healthy Christian prayer life.