Melanchthon on the meaning of “good” in the Bible, Stoicism, and Aristotle.
Philip Melanchthon
Our “Aeterni Patris” Moment? Musings on Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy and Protestant Retrieval
Political retrieval has always been a more nuanced affair for Protestants.
Homer in Wittenberg: A Review
Uncovering the influence of Homer on Philip Melanchthon.
“On St. John the Baptist” by Philip Melanchthon
An original translation of a Philip Melanchthon poem for the Nativity of John the Baptist.
Happy Alexander the Great Day!
Philip Melanchthon on Alexander the Great, on the anniversary of the latter’s death.
A Prayer from Melanchthon
A prayer found in Philip Melanchthon’s oration on Basil of Caesarea.
Melanchthon’s Deathbed List
A new version of an old post on Melanchthon’s thoughts shortly before his death.
Dylan’s Aristotle, Dylan’s Melanchthon?
Speculation on the classical, biblical, and theological sources of a line in “Absolutely Sweet Marie.”
From the Editor’s Desk: Ad Fontes Winter 2024
Senior Editor Rhys Laverty introduces the Winter 2024 print edition of Ad Fontes.
“Is Philosophy a Hindrance to Piety?” by Philip Melanchthon
The first English translation of Philip Melanchthon’s “Is Philosophy a Hindrance to Piety?”