A physicist explains why C.S. Lewis and Augustine landed on the right metaphor for how God creates.
Old Testament Sacraments, Pt. 5: The Rainbow and the Noahic Covenant (2)
In what way, if any, is the rainbow a sacrament of God’s covenant with Noah?
Essence, Supposit, Hypostatis, and Persons: A Beginner’s Guide
An accessible introduction to key Trinitarian and incarnational terms.
The Reformation and Metaphysics: Against Brad Gregory
Brad Gregory’s accusations against Duns Scotus and the Reformers badly misunderstand both.
In Memory of Stahl: A Review
A forgotten genius of 19th century Protestant legal and political thought, Friedrich Julius Stahl is now retrieved for a new generation.
Street Scriptures: Between God and Hip-Hop
A laudable beginning to serious Christian enagement with hip-hop, but with notable disappointments.
Christendom, Rightly Understood
Prevailing evangelical understandings of what “Christendom” is or was are often hugely mistaken.
Old Testament Sacraments, Pt. 4: The Rainbow in the Noahic Covenant (1)
Is the Noahic Covenant part of the Covenant of Grace?
Misreading Scripture with Individualist Eyes: A Review
The thematic sequel to “Misreading Scritpure with Western Eyes” frustrates and disappoints.
Why We Need Easter Saturday
Between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we must learn to wait.