Richard Russell reviews the plays of Archbishop Rowan Williams.
Print Edition
The Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire (Translated by Aaron Poochigian): A Review
A new translation makes the founder of modern poetry into accessible and urgent reading.
The Waste Land: A Biography of A Poem: A Review
A new centenary biography opens up Eliot’s great poem to both newcomers and devotees.
Last Ride of the Rose Nose
An original poem by Oliver Brauning.
The Heart Would Make Itself Known
An original poem by James Matthew Wilson
From the Editor’s Desk – Ad Fontes Summer 2022
A symposium on “The Rise of Christian Theology and the End of Ancient Metaphysics”
Aporía [Απορία]
An original poem by Scott Cairns
Finding Christian Philosophy: A Response To My Readers
Johannes Zachuber responds to his interlocutors on The Rise of Christian Theology
A Theory of Everything? Christology as a Hope for Evangelical Metaphysical Revival
Evangelicals have been doing theology without solid metaphysical grounding for too long.
Beyond “Being as Communion”
Zachhuber’s new book corrects and fulfils the work of John Zizioulas