Spenser’s poem presents a distinctly Protestant vision for Christian elites in church and society.
Print Edition
“The Light That Gives Us Heaven”: A Greek Epigram on Paul
A translation of a Greek epigram by E. J. Hutchinson
An original poem by Rhys Laverty
My Brother’s Friends
An original poem by Colin Chan Redemer
An original poem by Malcolm Guite
Postliberal Gods and Monsters
To counter non-Christian postliberal thinkers, the Church must reckon with the end of Western civilization.
In Darkness, Light: Francis of Assisi, Proto-Reformer
How did Francis of Assissi anticipate, yet differ from, the Protestant Reformers?
From the Editor’s Desk: Ad Fontes, Winter 2022
Introducing the first symposium issue of Ad Fontes, on the brave new world of metamodernism.
After Metamodern Progenitors and Progeny
Jason Ānanda Josephson Storm responds to Christian assessments of metamodernism.
After Metamodernism
If metamodernism comes after postmodernism… what then?