What might an authentic history of “understanding God” look like?
Print Edition
Metaphysics in the Reformation: The Case of Peter Martyr Vermigli: A Review
A confused book which misunderstands the theology of one of the great Reformers
Scripture, Hellenism, and Hebraism: Biblical Philosophy and Paul and the Giants of Philosophy: A Review
Two books on the relationship between Scripture and Greek Philosophy
Hidden & Revealed: The Doctrine of God in the Reformed & Eastern Orthodox Traditions: A Review
An attempt to help Reformed and Orthodox Christians communicate better.
Early Morning Embers
An original poem by Cameron Brooks
Memories (One一)
A translation of a poem by Pastor Wang Yi
From the Editor’s Desk: Ad Fontes Spring 2022
How should the Church live when worlds end?
Living In Union With Christ: Paul’s Gospel and Christian Moral Identity: A Review
In ethics as in any other area, it is not we who live, but Christ who lives in us.
Calvin and the Resignification of the World: Creation, Incarnation, and the Problem of Political Theology in the 1559 Institutes: A Review
Calvin’s theology exists not in the abstract, but in material, contextual and embodied forms that ebb and flow.
Jordan Peterson, God, and Christianity: The Search for a Meaningful Life: A Review
A thorough exploration of Jordan Peterson’s fascinating and frustrating relationship with Christianity.