St. Augustine on anger in Psalm 2.
Upbuilding Discourses
“Purity of heart is to blog one thing.” -E.J. Hutchinson
Under the Law, In the Law
St. Augustine on being “in” the law as opposed to being “under” the law.
Unanswered Prayers: A Difficult Lesson from Augustine (Updated)
Augustine on Psalm 22:2.
An Amazing Vignette from a Late Antique Church
What should a preacher do when the lector reads the wrong text?
Homer and Vergil: A Study in Contrasts, Bounded in a Nutshell
The difference between Homer and Vergil, in one line.
“Those Words Are Pure Heavenly Thunder”: Luther on Attending to Every Word
Martin Luther, Galatians 1:4, and the importance of reading slowly.
An Introduction to St. Augustine’s Confessions
Take–and, like, read.
“You Can Go Home Again”: The End of Confessions 4
Augustine on going home by finding our selves outside our selves in God inside ourselves.
One Note on Confessions 4.8.13
Augustine and Epictetus on death.
A Note on Confessions 4.5.10
In Confessions 4.5.10, Augustine takes up the difficult question of why we often find grief and sadness to be, in a sense, pleasurable, without coming to a definite conclusion. The question is closely related to the theory of tragedy as a literary and dramatic genre...