James Wood reviews Andrew Willard Jones’ latest.
The Christian Logic of the Postwar Consensus
Have Christian critics of the postwar consensus done the reading?
Political Prudence as Fuzzy Thinking
Do would-be Christian rulers’ appeals to “prudence” often simply mask a lack of clear thinking?
A Political-Theological Defense of the Pardoning Power
Three reasons why the presidential pardoning power is necessary, despite its abuses.
The End of Protestant Retrieval
Is it really as simple as retrieving the Reformers’ political theology alongside their other doctrines?
The Gaze of Love as Mortal Good
Is life as bleak as Ephraim Radner makes out?
Samuel Pufendorf, Religion, and Civil Society
Were Protestant nations really as religiously restrictive as medieval Roman Catholic ones?
The Aztec Ontology of Violence
Those who think modernity presents an “ontology of violence” should consider the Aztecs.
Whose Heritage? Which Americans?
James Wood takes steps toward a constructive definition of “heritage Americans”
Empowered Witness: A Review
A review of Alan D. Strange’s book on politics, culture, and the spiritual mission of the church