The lessons and warnings of Reformed Protestants during the French Revolution.
Fear and Trembling and “Stoner”
It is disorienting to realize one’s sympathies lie with an adulterer. How can Søren Kierkegaard make sense of it?
La Vita Nuova
On learning to love Dante.
Ver Erat Aeternum
Both Christian and pagan alike sense that spring is the original state of the world. Fall, on the other hand, comes from the Fall.
“The Decline of the Novel” by Joseph Bottum: A Review
What does the decline of the novel have to do with Protestantism?
Common Prayer: An Interview
An interview with the editors of the new 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition
A Man for Our Time: A Review of “Bavinck: A Critical Biography” by James Eglinton
At last, a worthy biography of the first confessional Reformed theologian to have truly grappled with modernity.
The Christian Right (and Wrong)
“Protestants and American Conservatism” provides useful history, but a more charitable and accurate assessment is needed to develop a contemporary Protestant political theology
The Classical (Thomistic) Doctrine of God
The classical doctrine of God has received lavish attention from Christian scholars in the past few years, particularly among Protestants. Much of this renewed focus has been concerned with expositing the attributes of God.
Martin Luther and Tax: A Protestant Perspective on Redistributive Taxation
The redistributive grammar of Luther;s theology of the Lord’s Supper underlie his vision for poor relief.