On Mikhail Zoshchenko, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Franz Kafka.
E.J. Hutchinson
“Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust”
The afterlife of a phrase about death.
“Love Minus Zero”: An Epigram by Henrik Harder
A new translation of Henrik Harder.
Luther and the Classics: The Case of Psalm 90 (2) (Horace and Cicero)
More on classical references in Luther’s lectures and commentary on Psalm 90.
Luther and the Classics: The Case of Psalm 90 (1)
The first post in what it is hoped will be a series on Luther’s use of the classics in his lectures on Psalm 90.
Catullus in Vergil?: Pallas, Turnus, and the End of the Aeneid
A theory on Catullus and the end of Vergil’s Aeneid.
How Does the Bible Use the Word “Good”?
Melanchthon on the meaning of “good” in the Bible, Stoicism, and Aristotle.
“Nunc dimittis”: A Poem for the Presentation of Our Lord
A poetic version of the “Song of Simeon,” based on the fourth-century Latin poet Juvencus.
Holly as Homer, Dylan as Ennius: The Rock and Roll Singer as Epic Bard
On poetic inspiration and transmigration in Homer, Ennius, Buddy Holly, and Bob Dylan.
“Send Carter, Bob, and Zevon”: When Mohammed’s Radio Played a Dylan Tune
On a Dylan allusion in the live version of Warren Zevon’s “Mohammed’s Radio.”