More on classical references in Luther’s lectures and commentary on Psalm 90.
Martin Luther
Luther and the Classics: The Case of Psalm 90 (1)
The first post in what it is hoped will be a series on Luther’s use of the classics in his lectures on Psalm 90.
The Christian Logic of the Postwar Consensus
Have Christian critics of the postwar consensus done the reading?
Political Prudence as Fuzzy Thinking
Do would-be Christian rulers’ appeals to “prudence” often simply mask a lack of clear thinking?
Luther’s Lucretius (1)
On a citation of Lucretius by Martin Luther.
When Tradition Becomes Tragedy: Thomas Aquinas and the Immaculate Conception
Thomas Aquinas did not believe that Mary was conceived without sin.
Luther’s Catullus (4): Catullus and Solomon
On Luther, Catullus, and Ecclesiastes.
Luther’s Catullus (3): Catullus and the Desert Fathers
More on Luther and Catullus 64.
Luther’s Catullus (2): “Pre-Protestant” Luther
Did Catullus help Martin Luther formulate the doctrine of justification?
Luther on Aristotle’s Ethics (4): Solomon as “Dr. Politics” (3)
More from Luther on classical political philosophy.