The Baptist idea of “soul competency” has been distorted, and with it our whole notion of religious liberty.
Web Exclusives
Social Activism and the New Testament
Does the “social justice” turn of some evangelicals line up with New Testament’s approach to societal problems?
The Forgotten Political Theology of Thanksgiving
Our politics now makes a vice of thankfulness. How can our political community remain thankful?
“The Light of Nature” in the Westminster Standards
How did the Westminster divines feel about natural theology and natural law?
Why Christians Should Use People
Why did Augustine say to use people, rather than enjoy them?
Tragedy as Philosophy in the Reformation World: A Review
How did the Reformation world use tragedy to further its understanding of philosophy?
The Power of the Catholic Intellectual Ecosystem
Protestants have got nothing on Catholics here.
Christians and Fast Fashion Pt. 2: Pursuing Virtue Through Dress
How can we pursue a full-orbed Christian ethic in the clothes we wear?
Christians and Fast Fashion Pt. 1: More Than Ethics
Christian thinking on fashion often begins and ends with ethics. But we need something more.
The World the Reformation Made
There are many accounts of how the Reformation created the modern world. But what if they’re all wrong?