Abraham Kuyper’s writings on education reveal his vision, successes, and compromises
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Plundering the Romans: Irenaeus, History, and Economic Presuppositions
Tidy modern narratives about the economic views of past Christians rarely fit the historical data
Augustine and Social (Distancing) Trinitarianism?
An uneven book offers confused insights on church life in a pandemic.
Still Reclaiming Calvin’s Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper
20 years on from his landmark book on Calvin’s view of the supper, Keith Mathison asks: has it been reclaimed?
Creeds and Credentials: On Education and the Future
Credentials are worthless without a creed that grasps reality.
Reviving the Christian Dignity of Politics
With contemporary politics in the gutter, how can Christians dignify the enterprise?
The Upraised Eye: Coleridge’s Theology of Poetic Perception
Is imagination opposed to reason, or in fact essential to its proper use?
One Month After the Roe Leak: Reflections on the Supreme Court’s Draft Opinion
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The Real Origins of Church Offices: Jewish and Greco-Roman Context for the Pastoral Epistles
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A Political Theology of Necessity
How Peter Martyr Vermigli can help navigate necessity and competing laws.