Does our behavior on the freeway really evidence a Hobbesian “state of nature?”
Web Exclusives
The Priest and the Ploughboy: Hilary Mantel, More, and Cromwell
How might confessional Protestants reflect on the late Hilary Mantel’s “Wolf Hall” trilogy?
C.S. Lewis on the Decline of Christianity
Lewis’s lesser-known essays reveal some surprising perspectives on religion in the West.
The Roots of Reformed Moral Theology
How has the Reformed tradition approached questions of right and wrong?
The Myth of Protestant Nominalism, Pt. 3: Voluntarism
Does Protestant theology really privelege the will over the intellect?
No Place Like Rome? Refuting Papal Primacy With Clement of Rome
Although pseudonymous, works credited to Clement give us a window into early church polity.
Sigrid Undset: Reader of Hearts: A Review
A new biography of Norway’s great Christian novelist is a surefire page-turner.
Ursinus and the Mechanics of Substitution
Zacharias Ursinus offers a neglected explanation for the seemingly difficult logic of penal substitution.
Biblical Bishops: A Review
A new study on James Ussher’s Reformation defense and reform of episcopacy
The Myth of Protestant Nominalism Pt. 2: Uncreated and Created Being
Did Protestant theologians really endorse metaphysical univocity?