A long-awaited complete collection of Auden’s poetry gives scholars and admirers what they’ve been waiting for.
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Fundamentalism in Black and White
Do claims about J. Gresham Machen’s racism stand up to scrutiny?
A Response to Brad Littlejohn on Religious Liberty
A follow-up to our recent debate.
Synopsis of a Purer Theology: A Review
A vital Latin and English resource for Reformation history.
The Psalms and Union With Christ: Reading, Singing, and Praying with Jesus
Our union with Christ compels us to bring the psalms back into worship.
Tolkien: Naive Storyteller or Political Realist?
Did Tolkien have room for shades of gray within and without Middle Earth?
Theology and the Star Wars Universe: A Review
Progressive theology, as always, will see what it wants to see on screen.
The Myth of Protestant Nominalism, Pt. 4: Competitive Metaphysics
Are the actions of God and his creatures mututally exclusive?
Boethius: Philosopher of Imagination
Boethius show us how to prepare our imaginations for troubled times.
The Iliad, or the Poem of Honor
What is the driving force of Homer’s epic, and how should Christians think of it?