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Web Exclusives
Prudentius and the Sanctified Muse
How the author of “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” drew the best pagan poetics into service of Christ.
J.R.R. Tolkien: Theologian?
We know him as an author and professor, but is it time to appreciate Tolkien as a theologian?
The Theological World of the Nicene Controversy
Why is the Nicene Creed actually two different creeds?
“The Thing is a Nightmare”: A Practical Argument for a (More) Liturgical Calendar
The surprisingly practical church calendar.
What is Orthodox Protestantism? A Brief Response to Rod Dreher
Amid Protestant diversity, can there be such a thing as orthodoxy?
The Forest and the Descendants of Saruman
Felling trees as Saruman does is not always a bad thing.
Christian Nationalism or Christian Commonwealth? A Call for Clarity
Amid current confusion and controversy, we must chart a better vision for a Christian politics.
Is God Impassible or Does He Have Passions?
A preview of an upcoming Winter 2023 Davenant Hall class on “Impassibility and the Passions of God”
The Myth of Protestant Nominalism, Pt. 5: Why Does It Matter?
Flimsy philosophical critiques of Protestantism hinder the Church’s mission.