Community, like the Gospel itself, must first simply be accepted with an open hand.
Can A “Christian Nation” Be Good For Everybody?
Kevin DeYoung reviews an important new book on religious liberty in the USA.
This Article Is About Tim Keller
James R. Wood reflects on Tim Keller’s impact on his own ministry and the wider church.
Whose Classical Education? Which Canon War?
In debating the classical school canon, we must be clear whose “classics” we’re talking about.
Thomas Aquinas: So Hot Right Now
Protestant retrieval of Thomas Aquinas is welcome. But it has a long way to go.
Combat Rules for a Canon War
The time is right for a debate of the Classical Christian Education canon. How should we then fight?
Pan Is Dead, Let’s Rub It In
If Christ has defeated the pagan gods, we should declare it loud and clear.
The Book That Packed A Punch: 100 Years of Machen’s “Christianity and Liberalism”
A century on, J. Gresham Machen’s most famous work still deserves our attention.
Fears of a Setting Sun: The Disillusionment of America’s Founding Fathers
Washington, Hamilton, Adams, and Jefferson all gravely doubted the future of the nation they created.
John Wycliffe, Reformer Pt. 3: Wycliffe and the Poor Priests
The exciting tale of John Wycliffe’s reformation of medieval preaching.