70 years on, Simone Weil’s “The Need for Roots” remains prescient in diagnosing modern social and political woes.
An Army of Elder Brothers
In a fatherless age, how do older brothers step in? Joseph Minich reflects on 10 years of Davenant.
Between Heaven and Russia: A Review
Does this new book make sense of ther recent growth of Russian Orthodoxy in the USA?
The Whole Lewis
A new three-part C.S. Lewis biography is exhaustive, making new revelations, though not without its flaws.
John Wycliffe, Reformer Pt. 4: Wycliffe and the English Bible
Although his role is often misunderstood, John Wycliffe was central to the creation of a new English Bible
From the Camino de Santiago to Davenant House
How an encounter on a Spanish pilgrim trail led to Davenant House’s thriving ministry in the Blue Ridge mountains
Augustine the Preacher
You know Augustine the theologian. Why not get to know Augustine the preacher?
A Decade of Davenant
How our army of friends grew from a blog comments section to a thriving organization
Natural Law and Scriptural Authority
How does Scripture rightly relate to things we can deduce from nature and reason?
Fashion Theology: A Review
Robin Harris reviews a survey of an unlikely subject for theology: fashion.