A physicist explains why C.S. Lewis and Augustine landed on the right metaphor for how God creates.
Old Testament Sacraments, Pt. 5: The Rainbow and the Noahic Covenant (2)
In what way, if any, is the rainbow a sacrament of God’s covenant with Noah?
Essence, Supposit, Hypostatis, and Persons: A Beginner’s Guide
An accessible introduction to key Trinitarian and incarnational terms.
The Reformation and Metaphysics: Against Brad Gregory
Brad Gregory’s accusations against Duns Scotus and the Reformers badly misunderstand both.
Christendom, Rightly Understood
Prevailing evangelical understandings of what “Christendom” is or was are often hugely mistaken.
Old Testament Sacraments, Pt. 4: The Rainbow in the Noahic Covenant (1)
Is the Noahic Covenant part of the Covenant of Grace?
Why We Need Easter Saturday
Between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we must learn to wait.
Old Testament Sacraments, Pt. 3: The Animal Skins and the Covenant of Grace
How do the animal skins given to Adam and Eve relate to the Covenant of Grace?
Irresistible Beauty: A Review
A new book seeks to find a place for beauty in Reformed soteriology.
Old Testament Sacraments, Pt. 2: The Tree of Life in the New Covenant
What role does the Tree of Life play in the New Covenant?