An original poem by Tolu Ogunlesi.
John Ponet’s “Short Catechisme”: A Neglected Formulary?
A 1553 catechism was regarded as a foundational Church of England document. Why then has it been forgotten?
Why the Church Needs Kierkegaard
How do Kierkegaard’s critiques of the church land when being anti-Christendom has become the new bourgeois faith?
Charles Hodge, Francis Grimké, and the Doctrine of Human Unity in the Critique of Race Prejudice
How did two Old Princetonians end up relating so differently to their prevailing racial norms?
Understanding Liberal Theology: An Interview with Gary Dorrien
Layne Hancock interviews Gary Dorrien, to find out what really makes liberal theologians tick.
Education Begins At Home (Sonnet CXXVII)
An original poem by Donald Williams.
From the Editor’s Desk: Ad Fontes Summer 2023
Rhys Laverty introduces the Summer 2023 print editon of Ad Fontes.
Behind the House
An original poem by J.A. Gray.
Sermons on Job: A Review
Calvin’s overlooked sermons on Job are a major addition to Calvin studies and a blessing to the church.
Divination and Philosophy in the Letters of Paul: A Review
Matthew Colvin resists a new book’s attempts to blur the lines between Christian revelation and pagan divinization.