Both Christian and pagan alike sense that spring is the original state of the world. Fall, on the other hand, comes from the Fall.
“The Decline of the Novel” by Joseph Bottum: A Review
What does the decline of the novel have to do with Protestantism?
Common Prayer: An Interview
An interview with the editors of the new 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition
A Man for Our Time: A Review of “Bavinck: A Critical Biography” by James Eglinton
At last, a worthy biography of the first confessional Reformed theologian to have truly grappled with modernity.
Inhabiting the Places of Promise: Martin Luther’s Teaching on the Three Institutions
A focus on Luther’s “two kingdoms” theology often neglects his views on the “three estates” of church, household, and state.
Foucault and the Hope of Resurrection
Patrick Stefan achieves a startling and convincing reading of early church history using Foucault’s thought.
Retrieving John Donne: Poetic Companion for Conflicted Protestants
John Donne’s poetic records of his religious struggles make him the ideal companion for weary Protestants.
The Art of Protestant Learning
Far from rejecting classical learning, the Protestant Reformers ensured its expansion.
The Promise and Peril of Disestablishment: Baptist and Reformed Political Theology in the New Republic
What were the differences between over church and state betwen Baptists and the Reformed in the early US republic?