An original translation of a fifth century Latin hymn.
The Humility of the Eternal Son: Reformed Kenoticism and the Repair of Chalcedon: A Review
Bruce McCormack’s proposals ultimately do not make sense of biblical ways of talking about Christ.
Metamodernism and Its Premodern Forebear
Is the proposal of “metamodernism” as novel as it seems?
The Fourth Way: The Promise of the Spanish Reformation
How the neglected Spanish Reformation charted a fourth way between Wittenburg, Geneva, and Canterbury.
Rediscovering Political Friendship: An Incredibly Poorly Timed Book
An admirable book, hampered by unfriendly times.
A Few Thoughts on Jason Josephson Storm’s Metamodernism: The Life and Death of the Christian Use of “Worldview”
Christians fixated on “worldview” would do well to use metamodernism’s tools to find a better way.
Nationalism in Earliest Christianity
Do the earliest days of church history offer pushback to a defense of “Christian nationalism”?
Faithful Presence in the Midst of Pluralism: Three Tensions
How should we live faithfully as Christians, with our distinctive beliefs, practices, and values, in an increasingly pluralistic age?
Kierkegaard at the Rail: The Individual and the Eucharist in Kierkegaard’s Thought
To the surprise of many, Kierkegaard wrote (and preached) about the sacraments often.
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry: Why the Lord’s Supper Is Essential to Restoring the Evangelical Church
The Lord’s Supper is one of the most powerful cures for the ills of modern evangelicalism.