Does our behavior on the freeway really evidence a Hobbesian “state of nature?”
Against British Christian Republicanism
Scripture, history, and wisdom all mean that republicanism remains a non-starter in Britain.
Reviving the Christian Dignity of Politics
With contemporary politics in the gutter, how can Christians dignify the enterprise?
One Month After the Roe Leak: Reflections on the Supreme Court’s Draft Opinion
With some distance from the initial SCOTUS leak, what are the most significant takeaways?
Postliberal Gods and Monsters
To counter non-Christian postliberal thinkers, the Church must reckon with the end of Western civilization.
A Political Theology of Necessity
How Peter Martyr Vermigli can help navigate necessity and competing laws.
Liberty for All: A Response
The logic of religious liberty in Walker’s book encourages moral anarchy rather than liberty.
“Such is the Breath of Kings”: Shakespeare’s Richard II and COVID Restrictions
Bad rulers thoughtlessly breathe decrees, ignorant that their subjects do not have a breath to spare.
The Forgotten Political Theology of Thanksgiving
Our politics now makes a vice of thankfulness. How can our political community remain thankful?
Kuyper on Vaccines II: The Role of Government
The second of three posts exploring Abraham Kuyper’s views on vaccines in the wake of a smallpox outbreak in the 1800s