Miles Smith

Musings on history, politics, religion, and all the other things we take too seriously in the 21st Century.

Protestant Social Teaching and the American Republic

In a 2009 article for Journal of Markets and Morality Stephen Grabill posited that although Protestant social thought was “a vibrant field” that was “ever expanding and alert to emerging issues,” it nonetheless lacked fundamental definition, systematic rigor, and...

Protestantism and the Problem of Populism

I recently weighed in (again) on the questions surrounding the debate over so-called Christian nationalism in the United States. The debate seems to overlap significantly with the question of populism and its relationship to religious life in the United States. One...

Evangelicals, Guns, and Church and State in the Early Republic

19th Century ministers regularly preached to men carrying guns. Politicians and military figures in the Nineteenth Century United States publicly and enthusiastically committed to the so-called separation of church and state also regularly ordered government workers, soldiers, and militiamen to attend religious services.


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