Miles Smith

Musings on history, politics, religion, and all the other things we take too seriously in the 21st Century.

Southern Puritan Episcopalians

The venerable southern historian and liberal Clement Eaton wrote in 1964 that the “great change in southern religion in 1860 from that of 1800 arose from the intervening Romantic movement.” Eaton, like many midcentury historians, argued that individualistic soul care...

Princeton and Confessionalism in the Early Republic

Princeton Seminary’s faculty in the Early Republic worked honestly and consistently to create a religious milieu devoted to historic creeds and confessions while also affirming the broad religious liberties enacted by the constitutional regime. Their efforts worked....

The Duty of Praying for Our Rulers

In the Spring of 1843, William A. Scott, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans, delivered a sermon that caused such a stir among his congregants and other members of the community they asked him to publish it. A local printing house published the...

To the Fallen

I thought about writing a post today but in light of events in Afghanistan I thought I would do something more simple and simply post the burial rite from the Anglican Church in North America’s 2019 Book of Common Prayer as it would likely be rendered for a fallen...

The Heresy of (Protestant) Americanism

The United States did not inaugurate Protestant faith and doctrine. Protestant churches—Anglican, Lutheran, and Reformed—preexisted the American republic. Yet Americanist presumptions have been taken as holy writ by Protestants throughout the history of the United States, with interesting and sometimes horrifying consequences.


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