Miles Smith

Musings on history, politics, religion, and all the other things we take too seriously in the 21st Century.

The Protestant Defence of Prejudice

Presbyterian minister John Grier Hibben published A Defence of Prejudice in 1911. As a professor at Princeton University he gained a reputation as an opponent of university president Woodrow Wilson. In 1910 Wilson became governor of New Jersey and in 1912 university...

Epiphany in America, 2022

*I've chosen this week to post in its entirety the Epiphany homily written by Rev. Alan R. Crippen II, rector of Holy Trinity Parish, Diocese of the Living Word, Anglican Church in North America, in Hillsdale Michigan, delivered on Sunday 9 January 2022. Let the words...

J.C. Ryle and Religion in America

In 1885, J.C. Ryle, then Bishop of Liverpool, wrote a series of Disestablishment Papers addressing calls by Liberal politicians and Non-Conformist ministers to disestablish and disendow the Church of England. William Gladstone, a liberal High Church Anglican,...

The (Anglican) Church Aggressive

By the 1850s significant theological and ecclesiastical battle lines had been drawn the between sympathizers of the Tractarian Movement and the Low Church party in the Episcopal Church in the United States. Although not every devotee of the Tractarians could qualify...

A Nineteenth Century Anglican Christmas in Egypt.

Edmund Winder mounted the steps of his modest pulpit on Christmas Day, 1854. Christmas Day fell on Monday but the congregation gathered anyway. A British bishop gave Winder special license to preach; he wasn’t a rector, or even a curate; he was just a simple chaplain....


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