Brad Littlejohn introduces Commonwealth, a new wing of Ad Fontes devoted to Protestant political retrieval.
10 Years
Colin Redemer reflects on The Davenant Institute’s 10 years of building a future for the digital era.
Seeing the Threshing Floor
Coleman Rafferty reflects on the blessings of an education at Davenant Hall.
Davenant House Silmarillion
The Davenant Institute was founded in 2013. But its origin story goes back decades.
Roundheads and Cavaliers
Susannah Black Roberts reflects on 10 years of The Davenant Institute.
An Army of Elder Brothers
In a fatherless age, how do older brothers step in? Joseph Minich reflects on 10 years of Davenant.
The Whole Lewis
A new three-part C.S. Lewis biography is exhaustive, making new revelations, though not without its flaws.
From the Camino de Santiago to Davenant House
How an encounter on a Spanish pilgrim trail led to Davenant House’s thriving ministry in the Blue Ridge mountains
A Decade of Davenant
How our army of friends grew from a blog comments section to a thriving organization
How Abraham Kuyper Lost the Nation and Sidelined the Church
A century on, have the critiques of Kuyper’s critic Hoedemaker been proven right?