An original poem by Dan Rattelle.
A Man Near Magnificence
An original poem by Colin Chan Redemer.
Votaries: The Blue Flower in Novalis, MacDonald, Lewis, and Robinson
Discover a forgotten influence on George Macdonald, C.S. Lewis, and Marilynne Robinson.
“And pain will be the thing that saves us”
An original poem by Tom C. Hunley
Eliot in Evangelical Americana
What happens when T.S. Eliot meets a lowbrow evangelical arts night?
The Heart Would Make Itself Known
An original poem by James Matthew Wilson
Last Ride of the Rose Nose
An original poem by Oliver Brauning.
The Waste Land: A Biography of A Poem: A Review
A new centenary biography opens up Eliot’s great poem to both newcomers and devotees.
The Flowers of Evil by Charles Baudelaire (Translated by Aaron Poochigian): A Review
A new translation makes the founder of modern poetry into accessible and urgent reading.
Shakeshafte & Other Plays: A Review
Richard Russell reviews the plays of Archbishop Rowan Williams.