Herod the Great had more to fear than a newborn usurper.
Ecclesiastica Anecdota
Andrew Koperski
The Birth of the Immaculate Conception: Mary, Apostolic Tradition, and the Protevangelium of James
How was this famous apocryphon received in the early Christian world?
That Time the North African Church Excommunicated the Pope
To paraphrase the words of Lady Wisdom to Boethius, “Stuff happens.”
Athanasius’ St. Anthony on Relics
According to Athanasius, St. Anthony feared his body would be turned into a relic after death.
Cyril of Jerusalem and Sola Scriptura
An ancient bishop suggests the Protestant emphasis on Scripture predates Protestantism.
Irenaeus and Apostolic Succession
Irenaeus’s view of apostolic succession was no abstract theory, but an appeal to history.