“In this grove, let no one pile dung, nor dump a body, nor perform parental rites.”
Ecclesiastica Anecdota
Andrew Koperski
The Blood Brothers of Jesus
Did Jesus have blood siblings?
Lukan Priority?
Who was reading whom?
Was There an Original Semitic Gospel?
If it ever shows up, there will be fireworks.
Irenaeus and P. Oxy. 405
Irenaeus comes to Egypt.
Constantine and the Manicheans: A Short Case Study in Toleration
Constantine founded Christendom—or so we are told.
Didymus the Blind on Matthew 16
Christ himself is the bedrock of the church, says Didymus.
Chrysostom on Matthew 16
Maybe doctrinal development can leap the gap, but it seems a bit far.
Observations on a Sixth-Century Passio: Sex and Slavery
A martyrdom story reveals some interesting theological and moral assumptions.
Notes on Daniel, Josephus, and Jerusalem
A potpourri of Daniel, Josephus, apocalypticism, and the fate of Jerusalem.