More on Luther and Catullus 64.
E.J. Hutchinson
Is Translation Possible?
On translating poetry.
Luther’s Catullus (2): “Pre-Protestant” Luther
Did Catullus help Martin Luther formulate the doctrine of justification?
Gibbon in a Rousseau Mask?
On history in Rousseau, Gibbon, and Burke.
The First Time as Tragedy, the Second Time as Farce (and Also Tragedy)
On Edward Gibbond and “defending Democracy.”
European Exceptionalism
Thomas Kuhn on the European background of science.
Luther on Aristotle’s Ethics (4): Solomon as “Dr. Politics” (3)
More from Luther on classical political philosophy.
Luther’s Catullus (1): Addendum on Obscenity
More from Luther on obcenity, this time in Roman comedy.
Luther’s Catullus (1): Table Talk 4,4012
Martin Luther on a controversial Roman poet.
Luther on Aristotle’s Ethics (3): Solomon as “Dr. Politics” (2)
More from Luther on the causes of political order.