On Edward Gibbond and “defending Democracy.”
E.J. Hutchinson
European Exceptionalism
Thomas Kuhn on the European background of science.
Luther on Aristotle’s Ethics (4): Solomon as “Dr. Politics” (3)
More from Luther on classical political philosophy.
Luther’s Catullus (1): Addendum on Obscenity
More from Luther on obcenity, this time in Roman comedy.
Luther’s Catullus (1): Table Talk 4,4012
Martin Luther on a controversial Roman poet.
Luther on Aristotle’s Ethics (3): Solomon as “Dr. Politics” (2)
More from Luther on the causes of political order.
Luther on Aristotle’s Ethics (2): Solomon as “Dr. Politics”
Get ready to have some paradigms shattered.
Luther on Aristotle’s Ethics (1)
Martin Luther on Aristotle and Cicero (with a bonus from Ovid for good measure).
Making Rome Great Again
Edward Gibbon on what made Rome a “great nation.”
“Love and Fear”: Another Epigram by Henrik Harder
An epigram on the love and fear of God.