Was Israel waiting for a divine messiah or a human one? Richard Bauckham’s new study delves into this question
Andrew Koperski
On Fishing With Dynamite
A review of a recent, moralizing history by “Tertullian.”
The Council of Trullo on Clerical Celibacy
The Greeks rebuked Latin ideals of clerical purity.
Justin Martyr on the Oldest Liturgy and the Apostolic “memoranda”
There’s no easy way to say, “apomnemoneumata.”
Justin Martyr: Ostensible Credobaptist
Why does Justin seem to presume the rite is simply for older initiates?
Nicaea and the Biblical Canon
No, Constantine didn’t set the biblical canon.
Eusebius: Circumspect Historian of Constantine?
Impossible, say you?
Reading Apocrypha in the Middle Ages vs. Antiquity
Ancient Christianity is not necessarily the same as medieval Christianity.
Peter Heather’s Christendom: Some Initial Thoughts Before Reading
A few preliminary musings as to what I expect to find in the book.
Christians in the Employ of the Pagan Empire
Even before Constantine, the overall impression is that Christians not uncommonly served the empire in various capacities.