Been a while; new poem today.
In this post, I translate Greek Anthology 1.77, on 1 Kings 17, in which Elijah is fed by the widow. For anyone who heard John 6:1-15 for yesterday’s Gospel reading, the theme will be familiar. The original is a single elegiac couplet. My version consists of two couplets of alternating iambic tetrameter and iambic trimeter, with the trimeter lines rhyming.
I include the Greek text according to the Loeb edition, the Loeb translation, and my poetic version.
First, the Greek text:
Εἰς τὴν χήραν τὴν τὸν Ἠλίαν θρέψασαν
Βλύζει ἐλαιηρὴ κάλπις καὶ κίστη ἀλεύρου,
ἔμπεδον ἡ χήρη οὕνεκα πίστιν ἔχει.
Next, the Loeb translation:
The pitcher of oil and the basket of meal overflow because the widow has firm faith.
Trans. W.R. Paton, rev. by Michael A. Tueller
Finally, my version:
On the Widow Who Fed Elijah
The pitcher gushes forth with oil,
The basket, too, with bread.
By God’s gifts and the widow’s faith,
Elijah’s fleetly fed.