“Up All Night, Annas Gluts Himself”: Georg Fabricius, Hymns 1.7

Here is the seventh poem in Georg Fabricius’s hymn cycle. Here is a link to the sixth. The meter and rhyme-scheme is the same as the others.

The Latin text:

Nox intempesta.


Historia coram Pontificibus.

CHRISTUS VINCTUS, ET adductus ad Annam.

Zach. XIII. Framea suscitare super pastorem meum, et super virum cohaerentem mihi.


Lurcatur Annas belluo

     Insomnis in convivio,

     Christi prehensi innoxium

     Haurire laetus sanguinem.

Christus rogantis ebrium

     Verbo retundit impietum,

     Prorumpit hinc sus aulicus

     In ora compingens manus.

O Christe, solve vincula 

     Nostri reatus omnia,

     Queis daemon et mors tristibus

     Nos alligavit nexibus.

Ab aulicorum verbere

     Tuos ministros assere,

     Cum nomen ob tuum pia

     Laborat innocentia.

In English:

The Dead of Night.

The Third Part of the Night.

The History before the Priests.

Christ Bound and Led to Annas.

Zechariah 13: “Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man who cleaves to me.”

Up all night, Annas gluts himself,

     A centaur at a Lapith feast,

     Well pleased to drink the blood of Christ,

     Unjustly dragged before this beast.

Christ with the Word repels with ease

     The high priest’s soused assault. At this

     A porcine palace guard insults

     The Word’s mouth with unholy fists.

O Christ, you know our guilt. Come, loose

     The gloomy chains that hold us fast.

     The Devil forged them out of fire

     And death. Free us from fear at last.

And liberate your ministers

     From scourge and stripe of palace guards,

     When godly service of your name

     Is repaid with unjust rewards.


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