Augustine makes surprisingly unabashed statements about how Scripture speaks of God’s wrath.
Revisiting Platonic Education: The Ever Sharable Feast
Colin Redemer responds to a review of his chapter on Plato in “Reforming Classical Education”.
If Christ Is God, Why Does He Pray?
Augustine on Psalm 2:8.
When God’s Anger Isn’t Like Yours (or Mine)
St. Augustine on anger in Psalm 2.
Under the Law, In the Law
St. Augustine on being “in” the law as opposed to being “under” the law.
Shakespeare Notebook 2023: “The Comedy of Errors”
Augustinian selfhood and married nuns sound some potentially Protestant notes in Shakespeare’s masterful farce.
Unanswered Prayers: A Difficult Lesson from Augustine (Updated)
Augustine on Psalm 22:2.
An Amazing Vignette from a Late Antique Church
What should a preacher do when the lector reads the wrong text?
An Introduction to St. Augustine’s Confessions
Take–and, like, read.
“You Can Go Home Again”: The End of Confessions 4
Augustine on going home by finding our selves outside our selves in God inside ourselves.