“On Palm Sunday” (Greek Anthology 1.52)

“On Palm Sunday” (Greek Anthology 1.52) 
Trans. E.J. Hutchinson

Εἰς τὰ Βαΐα
Χαῖρε, Σιὼν θύγατερ, καὶ δέρκεο Χριστὸν ἄνακτα
πώλῳ ἐφεζόμενον καὶ ἐς πάθος αἶψα κιόντα.

Daughter of Zion, hail and see
This veiled celestial mystery:
The cosmic Lord upon a foal
(As presaged in the ancient scroll)
Lights out in haste for suffering–
A slave’s death for the King of Kings. 


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