“Stanzas Written in Dejection, on the La-Z-Boy”

It’s Friday, and I haven’t posted anything here in a while.

Keeping both in mind, I thought I’d share some light verse on the dea(r)th of comedy. Hope you enjoy!

“Stanzas Written in Dejection, on the La-Z-Boy”

John Oliver is on TV.
“How come,” you say? Well, don’t ask me.
“But he’s not funny. They should fire him.”
That’s likely why the network hired him.

“That seems quite strange.” It shouldn’t. “No?”
You’ve never seen The Daily Show,
I guess, or Kimmel, or Colbert,
Or met a fan of Jon Stewart.

They’re cable talking-heads in drag,
Whose air-quote “jokes” could grace a mag-
Azine like Mother Jones, not MAD.
The comics that we wish we had

Are gone, and they’re not coming back. 
We’re stuck with sycophants and hacks,
Who use the monologue they got 
From CNN and think it’s hot

Material. Know what I mean? 
You want a joke; you get “Yasss, queen.”
The gig is up, the gag is too.
Regrettably, the game is through.

“If comedy is dead, so be it;
That doesn’t mean you have to see it.”
That’s true. I’d better take your lead—
Renounce the tube, and learn to read.


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