When exactly the levee is going to break is not easy to know, but when it does we all know. October 31, 1517 is the day the levee broke in the church of the West. It is not likely that Luther was aware he was laying his ax to the root. But that is what he was in fact...
Jesus and Pacifism: A Correspondence (Pt. III)
Part 3 of a 3 part correspondence on Jesus and pacifism from 2017.
Jesus and Pacifism: A Correspondence (Pt. II)
Part 2 of a 3 part correspondence on Jesus and pacifism from 2017.
Jesus and Pacifism: A Correspondence (Pt. I)
Part 1 of 3 from a 2017 correspondence on Jesus and pacifism.
The Great Commission and the Great Game
By Brian J. Auten I’ll begin by asserting that intelligence ethics is in the midst of its awkward teenage years. The speciality spent its schoolyard days in the post 9/11 and Second Iraq War debate over the morality of torture and enhanced interrogation,...
Lying and Christian Ethics (Tollefsen), Lying: An Augustinian Theology of Duplicity (Griffiths): Review by Kelby Carlson
Everybody lies. So says Dr. House. But he is not the only one to point out this obvious, uncomfortable fact. In recent years, philosophical literature has given increased attention to the lie. In particular, Christians have given renewed attention to the...
Protestant Ecclesiology Amidst Contemporary Political Theologies
By Jake Meador This article appeared in the 10th issue of Ad Fontes magazine. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the day that I actually began to understand some of what Reformed theology means on a day-to-day basis. I was a sophomore in college, living near campus...
Natural Theology and Protestant Orthodoxy
Is natural theology part of orthodoxy?
Excerpt from “Jesus and Pacifism”: The Teachings of Christ
This article by Andrew Fulford appeared in the April issue of Ad Fontes magazine. This is an edited version of a section from the first title in a new series: the Davenant Guides. To subscribe to receive full issues in your inbox, click here. PART 4: THE...
Pearl and Leaven: The Gospel Church as Institute and Organism
This article by Jordan J. Ballor appeared in the March issue of our Ad Fontes magazine. To subscribe to receive full issues in your inbox, click here. A hallmark of neo-Calvinist thinking about the church in the nineteenth century and beyond is the distinction between...