Amid Protestant diversity, can there be such a thing as orthodoxy?
Ursinus and the Mechanics of Substitution
Zacharias Ursinus offers a neglected explanation for the seemingly difficult logic of penal substitution.
Augustine and Social (Distancing) Trinitarianism?
An uneven book offers confused insights on church life in a pandemic.
Still Reclaiming Calvin’s Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper
20 years on from his landmark book on Calvin’s view of the supper, Keith Mathison asks: has it been reclaimed?
The Limits to a Diachronic Treatment of the Trinity: A Case for Dogmatics in the Classroom
What happens when you teach the Trinity topic by topic rather than historically?
Living In Union With Christ: Paul’s Gospel and Christian Moral Identity: A Review
In ethics as in any other area, it is not we who live, but Christ who lives in us.
Jonathan Edwards, Theosis, and the Reformed Tradition
Unpacking a Reformed doctrine of deification.
Taught By Christ, About Christ, Through the Word of Christ: The Promise of Biblical Reasoning
What difference does it make to have Christ himself at the centre of our exegesis?
The “Aha” of Easter: Making Sense of the Crucifixion
An Easter Sunday meditation.
Pierced Hands and Open Arms: The Irony of the Cross
A Good Friday meditation.